Otestujte si svou znalost angličtiny – 2.část
Angličtina čtení test – úroveň B1
Přečtěte si text a odpovězte na otázky. Máte na výběr z možností a (true – správně) nebo b (false – chybně). Pokud odpověď nevíte, zvolte možnost c (nevím), abyste se vyvarovali nepřesnému hodnocení. Test by měl trvat maximálně 15 minut.
EN: Read the text and answer the questions. You can choose from two options (a=true, b=false). If you don´t know the answer,choos option c (nevím). The test shouldn´t last more than 15 minutes.
A professor says money makes you bad. He studied the behaviour of rich people. It was very different to poor people’s behaviour. Rich people break rules and laws. They do not care about others. They also cheat more at games. Money makes rich people think only about themselves and the things they want.
Poorer people are kinder than rich people. They give more of their money to help others. The richer you are, the less kind you are. Rich people can change and become nicer. They will help others more. They must understand that giving and helping is good. If they understand this, they will give more money to others.