Otestujte si svou znalost angličtiny – 2.část
Angličtina čtení test – úroveň A2
Přečtěte si text a odpovězte na otázky. Máte na výběr z možností a (true – správně) nebo b (false – chybně). Pokud odpověď nevíte, zvolte možnost c (nevím), abyste se vyvarovali nepřesnému hodnocení. Test by měl trvat maximálně 15 minut.
EN: Read the text and answer the questions. You can choose from two options (a=true, b=false). If you don´t know the answer,choos option c (nevím). The test shouldn´t last more than 15 minutes.
British people use technology for 20 minutes longer than they sleep. Many adults use technology for eight hours and 41 minutes a day. This is because of high-speed Internet. People spend more time online. Many people use their phone and watch television at the same time. People watch TV for about three hours a day.
Six-year-olds understand technology the same as 45-year-olds. Fifteen-year-olds are best with technology. A doctor said we are more anti-social. He said we talk less face-to-face. People cannot stop using their phones. Technology also means people work at home using their phone or computer.